Australian Amateur Performer Competition
AAPC Australian pinup competition 2020
*pinup princess - calendar girl (monthly contest)
*Pinup pageant - annual live event
It's been a tough few months with Covid-19 and restrictions... but that won't stop us at AAPC.
Dates: Entries close November 30th. Winners will be announced Dec 13th
Fee: The fee has been dropped to just $25.
Photos: You need to submit 2 images for judging. These images need to be themed in #1 "Casual/Everyday wear" and #2 "Personality Plus"
Multiple entries: Want to enter submissions for more than one state? GO FOR IT! Just make sure you fill a form and pay a fee for each entry.
It's been a tough few months with Covid-19 and restrictions... but that won't stop us at AAPC.
Dates: Entries close November 30th. Winners will be announced Dec 13th
Fee: The fee has been dropped to just $25.
Photos: You need to submit 2 images for judging. These images need to be themed in #1 "Casual/Everyday wear" and #2 "Personality Plus"
Multiple entries: Want to enter submissions for more than one state? GO FOR IT! Just make sure you fill a form and pay a fee for each entry.
Calendar competition
Pinup Princess Calendar Girl competition
Enter the calendar comp here: ENTER NOW
Each month pinups have the opportunity to submit an image in a specified theme for our “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl competition”.
Our 3 seat judging panel will select a winner based on criteria set for the pinups and that lucky person will be our “Girl of the month” and featured in our annual printed calendar; as well as a chance to become our “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl of the Year”!
Pinup Princess - calendar contest (monthly)
Submission of image for each month is via a google form with upload of photo.
Applications will open on the first of every month and close 2-3 days before the end of the month for judging.
Pinup Princess - Calendar competition (each month)
NO DIVISIONS. Themes are set each month by the competition; images must fit this theme.
18+ entrants only.
Photos submitted must adhere to the outline and concept in the monthly theme as set out in the document available with the entry form. (This will also be announced through the competition media each month)
* Each month we will select a photo that will represent that month in a calendar printed at the end of each year.
Months are to be themed in advance and photos submitted must adhere to this theme & concept ideas.
* Entries will open in December for the following calendar year.
* Entries submitted are to be online, accompanied by an image.
* Agreement from both parties (Photographer & Model) to submit image is required.
* Neither the model nor photographer will be compensated for use for the photo, all costs will go towards printing and postage of calendars and books.
* Winners will be determined by judges vote for monthly winners.
* All images will be put into a facebook folder for viewing
* A judges choice will be made on best image for “Calendar Girl of the Year” from the winners of each month and public voting via “likes” for our “Calendar Girl of the Year” crowd favourite.
Pinup Princess Calendar Girl competition
Enter the calendar comp here: ENTER NOW
Each month pinups have the opportunity to submit an image in a specified theme for our “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl competition”.
Our 3 seat judging panel will select a winner based on criteria set for the pinups and that lucky person will be our “Girl of the month” and featured in our annual printed calendar; as well as a chance to become our “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl of the Year”!
Pinup Princess - calendar contest (monthly)
Submission of image for each month is via a google form with upload of photo.
Applications will open on the first of every month and close 2-3 days before the end of the month for judging.
Pinup Princess - Calendar competition (each month)
NO DIVISIONS. Themes are set each month by the competition; images must fit this theme.
18+ entrants only.
Photos submitted must adhere to the outline and concept in the monthly theme as set out in the document available with the entry form. (This will also be announced through the competition media each month)
* Each month we will select a photo that will represent that month in a calendar printed at the end of each year.
Months are to be themed in advance and photos submitted must adhere to this theme & concept ideas.
* Entries will open in December for the following calendar year.
* Entries submitted are to be online, accompanied by an image.
* Agreement from both parties (Photographer & Model) to submit image is required.
* Neither the model nor photographer will be compensated for use for the photo, all costs will go towards printing and postage of calendars and books.
* Winners will be determined by judges vote for monthly winners.
* All images will be put into a facebook folder for viewing
* A judges choice will be made on best image for “Calendar Girl of the Year” from the winners of each month and public voting via “likes” for our “Calendar Girl of the Year” crowd favourite.
Pinup Princess annual competition
TIMELINE (Calendar competition not included)
Entries open Now!
Entries Close November 30th
Winners announced December
There are 2 parts to AAPC Pinup; the monthly calendar contest and a full live parade show.
All parts to the competition are judged by a panel, according to the judging criteria set; apart from the “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl of the Year” which is a crowd favourite vote of the winners of each month of the calendar contest.
The live show will consist of state heats (where possible) and a Grand Final in South Australia.
Pinup Pageant - annual competition
To enter, Contestants are required to submit an application form, $25 application fee and supply 2 professional photographs in the first instance.
Heats will be held in for each state via online judging.
Top scoring finalists will be invited to compete in the SA Grand Finals.
Pinup Pageant - annual competition
- Junior Pinup
Category for little females. Ages 6-16. Styling can be traditional or modern.
- Classique Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 18-39 in age. Entrant styling must be in the 20s-60s era. No exposed tattoos or modernized versions will be accepted in this category.
- Contemporary Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 18-39 in age. Entrants can include 70s onwards influence in their styling; Modern and rockabilly accepted. Exposed tattoos encouraged.
- Premier Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 40+ in age. Entrants can include 20s-60s or 70s onwards influence in their styling; Modern and rockabilly accepted. Exposed tattoos accepted.
- Dapper Dude
Category for male or indentifying entrants, Any age.
- Perfect Pinup Pair (Couples category)
Entrant styling can be in the classic 20s-60s era; or modern 70s onwards influence. Tattoos acceptable in this division.
Pinup Pageant competition (annual live parades)
Entries open to female and male competitors, pairs and juniors.
First round is heats – where the top placing competitors will move through to finals.
In heats competitors will be asked to present 2 “looks”. Casual everyday and Themed outfit. Each parade will be subject to a “Pose off” at the completion of each parade.
Finals will have additional sections. Casual/everyday & Formal parade, Themed parade and pose off plus talent section.
A “Pose off” is where all competitors are on stage at the same time. Competitors are required to hold a pose (completely still) for 60 seconds.
Talent sections in finals are 90secs – 2.5 mins time limit. A talent can be anything you are good at/want to show off! We’ve had magic acts, dance displays, a baking tutorial, breaking out of handcuffs and martial arts. Think of what you do in your spare time, or something you love to do… and show the judges!
TIMELINE (Calendar competition not included)
Entries open Now!
Entries Close November 30th
Winners announced December
There are 2 parts to AAPC Pinup; the monthly calendar contest and a full live parade show.
All parts to the competition are judged by a panel, according to the judging criteria set; apart from the “Pinup Princess Calendar Girl of the Year” which is a crowd favourite vote of the winners of each month of the calendar contest.
The live show will consist of state heats (where possible) and a Grand Final in South Australia.
Pinup Pageant - annual competition
To enter, Contestants are required to submit an application form, $25 application fee and supply 2 professional photographs in the first instance.
Heats will be held in for each state via online judging.
Top scoring finalists will be invited to compete in the SA Grand Finals.
Pinup Pageant - annual competition
- Junior Pinup
Category for little females. Ages 6-16. Styling can be traditional or modern.
- Classique Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 18-39 in age. Entrant styling must be in the 20s-60s era. No exposed tattoos or modernized versions will be accepted in this category.
- Contemporary Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 18-39 in age. Entrants can include 70s onwards influence in their styling; Modern and rockabilly accepted. Exposed tattoos encouraged.
- Premier Pinup
Category for females or identifying, 40+ in age. Entrants can include 20s-60s or 70s onwards influence in their styling; Modern and rockabilly accepted. Exposed tattoos accepted.
- Dapper Dude
Category for male or indentifying entrants, Any age.
- Perfect Pinup Pair (Couples category)
Entrant styling can be in the classic 20s-60s era; or modern 70s onwards influence. Tattoos acceptable in this division.
Pinup Pageant competition (annual live parades)
Entries open to female and male competitors, pairs and juniors.
First round is heats – where the top placing competitors will move through to finals.
In heats competitors will be asked to present 2 “looks”. Casual everyday and Themed outfit. Each parade will be subject to a “Pose off” at the completion of each parade.
Finals will have additional sections. Casual/everyday & Formal parade, Themed parade and pose off plus talent section.
A “Pose off” is where all competitors are on stage at the same time. Competitors are required to hold a pose (completely still) for 60 seconds.
Talent sections in finals are 90secs – 2.5 mins time limit. A talent can be anything you are good at/want to show off! We’ve had magic acts, dance displays, a baking tutorial, breaking out of handcuffs and martial arts. Think of what you do in your spare time, or something you love to do… and show the judges!
Full rules and regulations for all sections within
the aapc pinup princess competitions
Registration form - Pageant
entry fee